Saturday, March 17, 2007

Vinnie as Bob Ross paints "Night of the Kitty"

A more serious pose, as the artist known as Vince contemplates night of the Kitty
This photo was inspired by PBS

Life can be ugly, just like me, with the love and the hate and the Honey Bee- Vince

Friday, March 16, 2007

Kitties in the Moonlight and Max

I Gave this one to my buddy Scott Cheverie, he's a rock star, He says it looks great on his wall and his family love it, I'm really glad, it was really fun to paint this one I like the moon a lot, and the cats are very Catpressionistic, which was what I was goin for. The toes on the bigger cat crack me up, he is ready to pounce. Scott has two cats also, Wiggy and Riley, looking exactly like Loki and Nanou, it's so funny! I'm gonna work on my backgrounds and my cats more now.

This is my ol' kitty Max. Max was awesome, very furry and made me sneeze. I would tickle his toes while he was sleeping on the couch next to me. I like cats so much because of Max. I want to do this photo as a painting next, my sister Heather took the picture I think.